The Cryptocurrency Exchange Alpha is Now Live on the Ethereum Rinkeby Testnet

Cryptocurrency Exchange YOSEMITE Alpha

The Cryptocurrency Exchange Alpha is capable of simulating the following:

  • All operations are made through websocket connection
  • Assets (Cryptocurrencies) are divisible to certain decimal places
  • Able to receive an amount of test dUSD for use in the alpha
  • Able to use a local Ethereum account for trading on the exchange
  • Able to make "delegated" Ethereum transactions; paying transaction fees in dUSD rather than ETH (gas)

With this alpha, we want to show how we are maximizing the utility of Ethereum as a secure component in our technical architecture and guarantee that we deliver the best possible performance.

Getting Started

Users will need tools to manage their local Ethereum wallet and load our Ethereum based web application - called 'Dapp (Decentralized App)'. You can choose one of the options below.

Using MetaMask

MetaMask is a browser extension you can install on either the Chrome or FireFox browser.

Once you have the Chrome or Firefox browser installed on your computer, please install the MetaMask browser extension.

Guide to using MetaMask on Chrome
Guide to using MetaMask on FireFox

Using Yosemite Desktop Browser Alpha (Ethereum wallet - integrated)
Cryptocurrency Exchange YOSEMITE Alpha

We're actively developing a browser application for desktop platform with an integrated Ethereum wallet. Without installing a browser extension and the compatible browser, a user can simply download a packaged app and use any Ethereum dapp right away.

Download for Mac
Download for Win32
Download for Win64

The wallet is at the early Alpha stage and currently sending transactions is not supported. Be sure not to send any ETH or crypto assets on Ethereum mainnet to the address created by this wallet.

Cryptocurrency Trading User Flow

Once you have completed your Ethereum wallet setup, it's now time to buy your first cryptocurrency. Go to

Step 1: Automatically Receive Test Digital USD (dUSD)
Cryptocurrency YOSEMITE Alpha deposit example

dUSD is used by YOSEMITE as a stable (dollar pegged) trading currency. For the alpha, we provide each account with an initial amount of test dUSD. For more information about how dUSD works, please refer to our technical white paper.

If you first visit our dapp with Ethereum wallet unlocked, you will automatically see the above popup for depositing $50,000 worth of dUSD into your Exchange Service account. Or you can simply click a 'Get dUSD' button at the top-right to see this popup.

  • To claim your test dUSD, you must click "Request Free dUSD Deposit". You can check the Ethereum transaction for this by click the provided link.
  • Finally, once the request transaction has completed, click "Close".

Note: Your dUSD will not automatically show up in the Metamask interface. However, it can be checked within the dapp. The dUSD and cryptocurrency amount in 'Tradable' are the assets deposited to exchanged account. The free dUSD faucet automatically deposits requested $50,000 dUSD right into the exchange account like below.

Cryptocurrency YOSEMITE Alpha deposit example

Step 2: Buy Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Exchange YOSEMITE Alpha orderbook example
Cryptocurrency Exchange YOSEMITE Alpha orderbook example


  • Now that you have some DUSD in your exchange account, find a cryptocurrency you want to trade by selecting one from the list on the left side. For example, let's choose Bitcoin (BTC).
  • To place a limit buy order, enter the amount of bitcoin you want at your preferred price (some price below the current market price).
  • Or, if you want to take an existing sell order from someone, you can simply click one of the orders marked as red (sell order) from the "Order Book". This acts as a market buy and will automatically fill the "BUY" input fields with the corresponding price and volume information. As per usual market buy behavior, your order will be filled by the lowest priced sell orders first until your order has been completed. If there is any remaining buy volume left over from your order, it will be placed on the buy order list in "Order Book" at the price you chose. All order operations made by you will be logged as history in 'Unfilled/Filled Orders' menu right below the chart.
  • When your buy order looks correct, click the "BUY" button.
  • After double checking that your order is correct, click "Order Request".
  • The subsequent window will require you to digitally sign the transaction; confirming that this transaction has been signed by no one else but you. With the help of cryptographic magic, your transaction on YOSEMITE can only be made by your local Ethereum account credentials.

Note: In the future, we will provide a public method whereby any 3rd party can easily verify the validity and correctness of all YOSEMITE transactions. For the technical aspects of transaction validation and security, please refer to our technical white paper.

Step 3: Make an Ethereum Withdrawal Transaction Without Paying Gas
Cryptocurrency Exchange YOSEMITE Alpha withdrawal example

All trading funds are kept in the YOSEMITE Exchange Vault smart contract and all trading operations are processed off-chain for high performance. However, every operation is digitally signed with an Ethereum account (either by the user or by the trading server) to ensure transaction security, immutability, and accuracy.

At any time a user may withdrawal funds from the Exchange Vault contract into hir/her own Ethereum account. These funds will no longer be available for trading (until they are deposited into the vault contract once again). Because withdrawn funds are no longer locked in the Exchange Vault contract, they become fully controlled by the user to be used on the wider Ethereum network like any other crypto token.

To withdrawal funds:

  • From the menu at top-left corner, click 'Deposit & Withdrawal'.
  • In the Exchange Account section of the page, click the currency you'd like to withdrawal.
  • In the expanded menu, type the amount you wish to withdrawal and click "Withdraw".
  • Next, verify the withdrawal information by clicking "Request Withdrawal"
  • Like all other user actions you must sign this transaction with your Ethereum account.
  • All of the withdrawal settlement data is cryptographically verified by the client application and a link to the proof data is provided.
  • To complete the withdrawal, click the "Confirm Request" button, and sign this confirmation.
  • Wait for the withdrawal settlement transaction to complete. You can check the status of this transaction on the 3rd party blockchain explorer service Etherscan by clicking the "Pending Ethereum Transaction" link provided. If you see your transaction completed on Etherscan, you can be confident that your transaction has been successfully broadcasted to the Ethereum public blockchain.
  • Finally, once the withdrawal has completed click "Close". You can now see that your withdrawal has moved from your Exchange Account to your Ethereum Account.

Note: This withdrawal is an on-chain Ethereum transaction which you didn't pay gas for! We call this type of transaction a "delegated" transaction, whereby the user allows the YOSEMITE service to act on their behalf by digitally signing their actions. The end result is that users don't need to pay gas fees for their actions but instead pay fees in dUSD. "Delegated" transactions are used frequently on the YOSEMITE platform in instance where there is a need for both blockchain security and simple user interaction.

Feedback & Questions

We're always happy to get feedback and answer questions.
For comments or inquiries, please email us at